2009 was a great year for Slow Food Rhode Island: We not only saw our membership more than double, we also hosted and co-hosted some great events (movie nights, panel discussions, a movie followed by a talk on coffee with
New Harvest Coffee Roasters, and a wonderful author and farmer talk with author-farmer
Novella Carpenter and Providence's
City Farm farmer Rich Pederson) as well as increased activism on the local and national level with the push to increase biodiversity and awareness of place-based foods through the
Renewing America's Food Traditions (RAFT) Grow-out, and the
Slow Food USA Time for Lunch campaign, which strives to get healthy food into schools through an increase in funding for the Child Nutrition Act.
As you may know, local Slow Food chapters are run entirely by volunteers, and our funding comes from event fees and donations to the chapter. In addition to events similar to those we hosted in 2009, we will be fundraising to send a local farmer, food producer, cook, academic, or advocate (or perhaps a couple of people) to
Terra Madre in October 2010.
To start off 2010 strong, we are hosting our annual meeting on Tuesday, February 2 at 7pm at
Local 121. There will be a delicious buffet available for $15, cash bar, and we are requesting a donation of $5 per person to help fund this year's efforts and events.
During the meeting, we will discuss our plans for this year and beyond - and we want to hear your ideas as well. We'd like to know what types of events you'd like to attend, and, of course, if you'd like to coordinate an event, we'd love that as well!
We will also vote on officers for our chapter, including Chairperson, Membership, and Secretary. The current officers are Chair, Amy McCoy, and Secretary, Ingrid Lofgren.
Please rsvp to slowfoodri@gmail.com, and feel free to send along any questions or suggestions for the chapter, whether you are able to attend or not. As always, if you are interested in volunteering with Slow Food RI in any way, please also drop us a line at slowfoodri@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting and making plans for this year and beyond!